Residential Status check icon
Residential Status check
Check Status
DTAA Between India & US icon
DTAA Between India & US
Check Status
DTAA Between India & UK icon
DTAA Between India & UK
Check Status
Tax on Investments images
Tax on Investments in India
Check Status
Tds on property
TDS on Property

TDS on Property
Tds on property
Tie breaker Residency as per DTAA

Tie breaker Residency
Tds on property
Applicability of 15 CA/CB

Applicability of 15 CA/CB
Tds on property
Applicability of TCS
Applicability of TCS
Tds on property
NRI Foreign transfer limit
NRI Foreign transfer limit
Choose correct kind of Bank/Demat Account

Bank/Demat Account
FDI Limits

FDI Limits
Incomes taxable in India

Incomes taxable in India

Tax on Investment in India

Calculate the tax implications for NRIs investing in AIFs, PMS, equities, or mutual funds in India

Disclaimer : This calculator provides general recommendations and estimates. Please consult a financial or legal expert for personalized advice and to ensure compliance with applicable regulations